Extreme Learning Programs.

Firas Bchir
Oct 21, 2020

I do think that extreme learning programs are a great way of education, in both sides technically and soft skills because Extreme Learning Programs have a great Pedagogy which focuses a lot on practice, and it’s the best way to master things and also analyzing problems, logics and ideas while practicing,

Another advantage of Extreme Learning which is soft skills, so basically practicing is not only for the technical side it’s also for your soft skills side, for example your going to be trained on raising your presentation skills and learn how to manage your stress in front of a large group of people, also it can be a faster way to achieve your goals in no time.

For me personaly i’m a student at RebootKamp(RBK) which is a bootcamp and bootcamps do use the hack Reactor programs which are extreme learning programs also so you can say that i lived the experience and i’m still living it and i really enjoyed it and loved the program more than the state program.

