How do you imagine your life after RBK? What would be your next step in life?

Firas Bchir
1 min readSep 9, 2020

Actually after finishing my studies at RBK i will complete my path which i just started toward success, So i want to study more and go deeper in software engineering field because i attempt to have a humble background because it’s the only thing that matters if you want to make a change in the world with your projects and why not your inventions and also software engineering have a lot of magic and hidden places that you need to know and to explore.

So my next step will be learning other programming languages as mush as i can, and i really want to master linux and it’s wonderful tools…not to forget that i have already an unfinished startUp that i need to deal withSo basically i think that i’ll have a lot of action and fun after graduation.

