personality type or astrological sign

Firas Bchir
1 min readAug 14, 2020

Hello everyone! actually i’ve been told to try to do a blog about my personality type or astrological sign, but i’m a type of persons that first doesn’t want to talk about his personality the thing that i just did because i revealed to you something about my personality but nevermind and second i’m not a fan of astrological sign and i dont believe in it, buuuut i’m a space lover i admire anything that have a connection with astro, i know it’s a bit confusing and Contradictory but the thing is that astrological signs are not true science and in life there’s things you can believe and things you can’t believe so instead of this subject i’ll try to feed you with some informations about the whole universe.

Can you imagine with me how big is our universe and can you imagine the infinity of it, you see all the planets, the stars, the suns (i wrote sun with s because our sun is not the only sun that exists) and everything that have mass, all of these are just 5% of the whole universe the other 95% are 27% as dark matter and 68% as dark energy, you’re wondering now about what those two well i can explain them to you but i wont do it, because te fun part is that you googling these two term and learning about them by your own.


