Scrumming my way through life.

Firas Bchir
Oct 19, 2020

Scrum Methodology is a framework that helps software engineers during their journey developing some kind of project or as they called it “an agile project management methodology” so basically it’s a way to organize your work and to structure the steps you’re going to do.

The best uses of scrum is before starting any project because it can help decrease the difficulty of the work through it’s superPower which is organizing things, we all know that complex problems needs an organized mind and organized teams(if the project in teams of course) other way it’s going to be a mess.For me personally i used the scrum methodology two times for now and it’s been helpful for me and my team. For me personally it’s the perfect way to organize thoughts, ideas, tasks, teams… .

One of the best scrum platforms is Trello ( so i wish that you enjoy working with it.

